Thursday, November 5, 2009

A field trip for Chicky-Baby...

Hi there...See that pink thing? Yeah. Its pink. I know. It is not my ear. It's a little girl's thumb. She is holding me so I don't flop off to the ground and hurt myself, since I heard the name "McNugget" was in the running. And I'm not so sure I like that...nobody better come near me with ketchup!
See? I'm loosing my baby fluff, and those little bitty feathers are coming in nicely! They make it easier to fly up and get a ride on my mommy's back. She doesn't seem to mind too much...
Wow, it is dark in I think I want my mom....
Today, with the weather being warmer, and the sun out and mild, #1 and I decided that today was a good day for a field trip...
So we hauled the little chick coop out of the big coop, and have it setting on the grass. Big Momma is enjoying the fresh air and sunshine, I can tell. ChickyBaby isn't quiiiteee sure what to think, but we've got some straw and a comfy spot for mom to set herself, and baby, in comfort. So I'm sure little one is fine...
Little one definitely seems to be doing well. Good feather growth, and it is good and lively. Eating, drinking, and, well, "eliminating" well. Things are going along smoothly. Hopefully, they continue that way...
I've got a couple more posts on the line for today, but I've got to get some housework done (laundry and dishes won't wait forever!), while the youngest two are quiet and the oldest three are doing their schoolwork.
More later!

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